Integrity Score 405
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Mehr Chand Mahajan - an introduction
Judge of Punjab High Court - September, 1943
As a permanent judge, meant his superseding four sitting judges, one of whom was an Englishman, and, this was on the recommendation of an English Chief Justice, Sir Tervor Harris.
Member, Royal Indian Navy Mutiny Commission of India - 1948
With two other British officers, the Commission fixed the blame for the Mutiny on the British Rear Admiral of the Naval Establishment.
Member of the Radcliffe Commission - 1947
The Radcliffe Commission was formed for demarcating the boundaries between India and Pakistan as a result of the partition. His inclusion in the commission is a testimony to the government’s faith in his unbaised judicial approach and sagacity. He succeeded in getting Distt. Gurdaspur (PB) in India.
Prime Minister of Kashmir
The tumultous conditions in Kashmir was in full swing when Mr. Mahajan took over the reins of administration as Prime Minister on 5th October, 1947. In less than two weeks, on 27th October, 1947, Maharaja of Kashmir formally acceded to India with the personal efforts of Chief Justice Mahajan. At the same time he ensured that, before the formal agreement was signed, the government of India’s troops had landed at Srinagar by morning of the 27th and began their military operations forthwith to counter the Pakistani attack. Thus, he thwarted the efforts of British and Lord Mountbatten who as Governor General of India and Pakistan wanted Kashmir to acceed to Pakistan.
To be continued.....
(The account is being maintained by Har-Anand Publications)