To post your own stories, and to support and challenge others' stories, download the Pixstory app. Available on

Nature holds the key to our life aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction. Photography is a love affair with life.

Gandhi and Hitler were similar in terms of their actions as powerful, influential, leaders; however, Gandhi believed in peace and Hitler in violence,but who is remembered today,who is regarded as great today.Its always the one who supports Peace.HAPPY PEACE DAY

Karma is a Chain Reaction...

Ronald Araujo in action Twitter: FCBarcelona

My reaction when i see cats 😂

AI camera in action Canon Information Technology

Senator Paul Simon and comedian Al Franken rehearsing for a Citizen Action dinner honoring Simon at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C. Jamie Howren

Climate action plan Me

We care... Picture of veterinary and medical camp organised for locals by 20th Battalion ITBP Aalo, Arunachal Pradesh under Civic Action Program. #Himveers ITBP

We care... A picture of a public outreach camp organised for locals by 20th Battalion ITBP Aalo, Arunachal Pradesh under Civic Action Program. #Himveers ITBP

Another angle on the DRC informal settlement looking west, toward the Atlantic Ocean. Fog often shrouds Namibia's coastline due to the interaction of hot desert air with the cold air above the ocean. Sometimes temperatures even a few kilometers inland will be 10-15 degrees warmer.

It was the Priests in their cassocks that became the attraction to football first in Goa Representative Purposes Only

The Triumph of Death painted as a reaction to the plague in Europe, circa 1562. Pieter Brueghel the Elder.

But the virus still rages and vaccinating large numbers will take time. While overall GDP improves into 2021, there is a disturbing increase in inequality in all regions of the world with severe hardships being borne by the most vulnerable. Strong policy action is needed. Via Gita Gopinath, Chief Economist, IMF

Target Tripura: Bengal & Goa Done, Action Shifts to 'Sister State' as TMC Eyes Victory in Municipal Polls.

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