Integrity Score 367
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First time when i tried to make these brownies they turned out to be the perfect ones that I have ever made and it gave me the confidence to try them out the next time and then too it was just as it was like the first time.
And now, as the Christmas season gave me all the reasons to make these brownies yet again, the fudgist brownies turned to be the hardest ones I have ever made.
Summing up, the first time attempts would give you the results as you wish and hoped for, but it need not give the same results always and things may not work for you everytime, even though you use the same recipes of skill and knowledge. And you may not even know where you went wrong.
So take a pause, check for those mistakes, rectify them and make the new version of your delightful brownies.
So did I loose my baking skills?
Oops....well no I'm finding out new ways, while munching the not so perfect brownies.