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An itchy vagina is never a pleasant experience!
1 Harsh soaps - Harsh soaps can cause Ph imbalance and make your vagina prone to infections.
2 Douching - Well, douching is a complete 'no-no' if you want to get rid of vaginal itchiness.
3 Synthetic Panties - Skin irritation from sweating or wearing tight underwear can lead to an itchy vagina.
4 Not changing pads - You should change your sanitary napkin after every 4 to 6 hours.
5 Not washing hands - Our nails are the biggest source of infection. That's why we need to ensure that we have really good hand hygiene.
6 Using scented pads - The chemicals in scented pads can irritate your vulva.
Avoid these common triggers to keep your lady parts happy and healthy. Little changes can make a big difference.